Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Multicultural Counseling_Week3

Multicultural Counseling_Week3

Q After reading and reviewing the material in the Reading & Study folder, reflect upon what you have learned and include pertinent aspects of the material in your response to the following: What are some elements that you have learned from the reading and video presentation that you will incorporate when counseling Native Americans? Also, consider your ethnic/cultural background and discuss some potential challenges you might face when counseling Native Americans. Be sure to support your argument with sources.

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The Native American Culture is very important when the counseling in concerned. Native Americans also have a high rate of substance abuse. Historical Trauma is the experience of the Native American that is inculcated to the personality of the personality of most Natives. The direct experiences of trauma is not always necessary for the Native Americans to feel the trauma. It is the historical oppression on the generations of these people that acts upon the different cases where they feel very much aware of fact that the society is often indifferent to the gaps I the mental illness services that are offered to the society or by the society to the Native American people. The counselors often feel that they meet more Native Americans